Modules in Understanding Men get delivered to you every 2 days.
So you will receive module 1 on day 1, module 2 on day 3, module 3 on day 5 and etc.
Sometimes our emails may be slightly delayed, due to cyber monkeys causing technical speed bumps in our otherwise well oiled system. The best thing to do is to wait it out another few hours, and 99% of the time, you will receive your emails in that time frame.
However, in the very unlikely situation that you don't seem to have the emails you should, please submit a ticket and we will sure to look into this problem and sort it out for you.
I haven't gotten access to the next module yet...
Have more questions? Submit a request
jodie steinberg I was sent links to day 5 and 6 that dont work.
Kazoua11 I haven't received my first module yet.
tanya reiss i was sent an email for module 1
and when i clicked it it said i had no access to it -
Jordanhaynesinteriors What is the name of Day 1 program. Don’t think I have received it
Rachelletorre When I log in it says I don’t have access to the understanding men modules.
Raghdahope I haven't got the high value attachment
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