
Does Renee do 1 on 1 Private Consultations?

Even though Renee answers to many comments on her blog and facebook page personally, she isn't easy to get a hold of, nor does she have a great deal of time lying around. (Just think of Dr. Phil, how easy will it be to get a private one on one consultation with him?)

Right now as of 2013, there is a huge demand on Renee's time and attention, looking after her new baby.

So if you're looking for a 1 on 1 private consultation, know this...

  • There's a waiting list and an application process, not everyone can speak to Renee no matter how much money is exchanged.
  • Renee charges upward of $3000 per month for her private clients.
  • Renee will be 100% committed to you when you become a private client of hers.
If you still want to be privately coached and consulted by Renee, please submit a ticket and we will send you an application process. 
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